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Image by David Vig

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique℠ 


What is QHHT?

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT®) is a unique form of hypnosis developed by Dolores Cannon. It is designed to help you understand and address the possible root causes of your problems from your current and past lives. Additionally, it offers an opportunity to connect more deeply with your higher self, facilitating profound and transformative healing. 

Key Aspects of QHHT

Past-Life Regression:

During a QHHT session, the practitioner guides the client into a deep state of relaxation, often referred to as the Theta state. In this state, the client is believed to access memories of past lives. These past lives are explored to uncover patterns or experiences that might affect the individual's current life.

Communication with the Subconscious:

After exploring past lives, the practitioner attempts to communicate directly with the subconscious, higher self, inner wisdom, over soul – or whatever you prefer to call them. This part of the consciousness is believed to possess deep wisdom and understanding of the individual's life purpose, health issues, and challenges. The subconscious is asked questions that the client has prepared beforehand, seeking guidance or healing.

Healing and Insights:

QHHT is often sought for its potential to provide healing on multiple levels. The subconscious may provide insights into physical ailments, mental issues, or life challenges, and can sometimes initiate healing processes during the session. Some report experiencing profound emotional or physical healing as a result of the session.

Session Details

  • The total Duration of the session will be approx 4 to 6 hours. Please plan enough uninterrupted time as we can never predict how a session will go. 

    • Interview Process: The first 2 hours will be dedicated to an interview process to prepare for the session.

      • You can think about some intention for the session – or come just out of curiosity without any problems in mind.

      • I advise you to prepare approx 10 questions in the paper beforehand about what you want to know about your life. You can divide questions for example your personal questions about your life (e.g. what is my life purpose) and health questions (if you have some physical symptoms). 

      • During the interview process, we discuss the current themes at the top of your mind and your life overall: challenges, relationships, career, childhood, etc. – as much as you feel comfortable.   

      • Also, I'd love to look at your astrological chart if you provide me with your birth details. I have noticed how much we can deepen the hypnosis with your astrological chart which gets also deeper alongside the hypnosis. 

    • Hypnosis: The actual hypnosis can last up to 1,5 hours or more.

      • During the session, you will enter a hypnotic state to access past life experiences and communicate with your higher self. I will be voice-recording the session and asking your subconscious the questions you have prepared. Your subconscious (higher self) will be leading the session and will share the information it feels is relevant for you in this lifetime. I will try to cover as many of your questions as possible, but I cannot guarantee that we will get to all of them.

      • You don't need to be nervous that you will "lose control" or anything. You will be fully aware to whole time during the hypnosis. You can think about the state as a very deep relaxation. You are in safe hands during the whole session and you only need to relax.

​Prior Your Session 

  • Book your session by email: or by WhatsApp +358440700655 – I need to book a whole day for the session.  

  • Send me your birth info: your date of birth, birth place (city), and exact birth time. 

  • Prepare with intention and questions on the paper that you can bring with you. 

  • Don't drink alcohol before the session or the night before. Try not to consume too much caffeine before the session. Drink water to stay hydrated, but avoid beverages that might cause frequent restroom visits.

  • Eat beforehand since the session will be long! Feel free to bring a snack before you go into the hypnotic state if you are worried about getting hungry. I can also provide little snacks for you to enjoy during the initial interview part of the session if you need them.

  • Wear clothes that are comfortable and appropriate for temperature changes. Your body may heat up or cool down during the session. A blanket will be provided for your comfort. 


Each session is priced at $288 (this is my welcoming offer so it is subject to change). You can pay while you book with a credit card or ApplePay, or via MobilePay or cash when you arrive, or you can be invoiced via email.


You can cancel your booking 24 hours beforehand without being charged. If you cancel your appointment less than 24 hours before it is scheduled to take place, you will be subject to half of the booking amount. To avoid a cancellation fee, please provide a cancellation notice at least 24 hours before your appointment via email or phone.


Testimonials – QHHT
"In life, there are encounters and encounters, as well as missed encounters.

Meeting with Elina Rantamäki was trust-inspiring. During the session, and especially in the afterglow of it, I understood myself more deeply, and through that, I gained perspective and compassion for my life. The calm time that Elina spent with me left a clear positive imprint on my thoughts and emotional center.

Thank you, Elina."

Heidi Herala, actress

Why Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT)? – More Information


In a QHHT session, you may discover things about yourself that you never thought possible. While healing is a significant part of QHHT, exploring past lives is one of the most unique aspects of this technique. For more information about QHHT and Dolores Cannon, you can find it [here].


If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out. I am happy to help with anything that concerns you.


FAQs – Frequently Asked Questions


  • I don't think I can be hypnotised, is it even worth trying?

    • No one can be hypnotised against their will. Reaching a deep state of relaxation requires motivation for inner exploration, as well as the willingness to surrender and let go. So, anyone can enter hypnosis if they choose to. Anyone who can fall asleep can also enter a conscious trance state.

  • What kind of state is induced in QHHT hypnosis?

    • "Quantum Healing" hypnosis technique (QHHT®) involves reaching a hypnosis state through visualisation, guiding you into a somnambulistic trance. This state naturally occurs twice a day: just before waking up and just before falling asleep. Most hypnosis methods work with the Alpha brainwave state, but in QHHT, we work with the Theta state, which is the deepest trance state, where all fascinating and incredible wisdom is stored. I will guide you with a calm voice and visualisation exercises into a deeply relaxed state of consciousness. From this state of deep relaxation, you will see your life and challenges from a completely different perspective than in daily consciousness, making it possible for broader, more loving, and compassionate realisations, as well as healing. Challenges related to relationships, life purpose, life situations, blocks, fears, phobias, and other issues can be identified and released. The experiences in the sessions help you understand yourself, your life, and assist in letting go of unnecessary things, freeing up energy for what matters most to you. Each session helps you move toward a lighter, freer, truer life that aligns with your values.

  • I'm afraid of losing control, or saying something inappropriate?

    • In hypnosis, you are in a deeply relaxed, focused state while still being fully aware of what is happening and what you are experiencing. You are in complete control, even though you are in a relaxed, sleep-like state. The hypnotist or anyone else cannot make you do or say anything against your will. There is no need to worry about losing control or entering some kind of "trance" (misconceptions about hypnosis may stem from stage hypnosis where people are manipulated externally or portrayed as "zombie-like"). In Quantum Hypnosis, you are fully aware of what is happening and can stop the session at any time by opening your eyes if you wish. You can replace the term hypnosis with "deep relaxation" or "deep meditation journey" in your thoughts, where you explore images and sensations that arise from your subconscious in a relaxed and focused state. You are in competent and responsible guidance throughout the session.

  • What if I don't want to open up about personal matters during the interview?

    • Everything we discuss and work through is completely confidential, and you can share as much or as little about yourself and your challenges as you feel comfortable with. Sometimes, simply talking can be a healing process, and it can be beneficial to speak freely about your issues in a safe, trusting, and calm environment. Remember, our focus is on processing, understanding, and accepting your experience – not on judging or criticising. I’ve noticed that the more you trust, let go, and are ready to share, the deeper your experience and healing will be during the hypnosis session.

  • Could I experience something traumatic during hypnosis?

    • Your subconscious mind and higher self are so wise that they will not present anything to you that you are not capable of handling at that moment. You will be shown only as much as is necessary for you. If any unpleasant issues or challenges arise, we aim to find their cause, a higher understanding, and release them in the process of healing.

  • What if I can't visualise, or don't see anything?

    • Everyone is unique and experiences hypnosis in their own way. The experience may come in different forms: some may see clear images, like watching a movie; others may see more symbols or patterns; some may hear sounds, or the information might come through very subtle, with intuition, bodily sensations, or emotional states. Don't worry if nothing immediately arises during the session; as the session progresses, images, feelings, and insights will develop.

  • What if I don't believe in past lives?

    • You don’t have to believe in anything. Your subconscious mind will show you things that are relevant for the moment and aligned with your level of consciousness. When I speak about past lives, I am introducing the QHHT method in a general way to simplify the process. It’s possible that you may be shown parallel lives, the time between lives, or even the future. Your higher self does not experience time linearly: the past, present, and future are all here and now. Through hypnosis, you may also experience insights related to quantum physics: time can be seen as a whole, simultaneously. We may come to understand that, in a way, we are all existing in multiple timelines and incarnations, here and now.

  • What does "quantum" mean in hypnosis?

    • The word "quantum" comes from Latin and means "amount" or "how much." It refers to the smallest indivisible unit of a phenomenon. If something is quantifiable, it means it is measurable. Quantum physics is the study of very small things. It looks at the behavior of matter and processes that happen within atoms to understand the smallest elements of nature. In other words, quantum physics studies subatomic particles and their behavior. Subatomic particles are invisible to the human eye. Quantum thinking is the mind’s ability to look at a problem from all angles and see possibilities from different perspectives—even when these perspectives seem contradictory. In this context, we refer to the "invisible" parts of our reality (subatomic particles), and thus we can say we are working with invisible energies outside the physical, material world to assist in healing (at the subatomic level). We can access higher realms (frequencies/energies—what we call higher consciousness or higher intelligence), which see things from a higher perspective and help bring clarity and neutrality to life’s mysteries.

  • Why I combine astrology with QHHT?​

Or book a Trasnformation Package including Astrology Chart Reading and Quantum Healing Hypnosis together. 

Call, text or WhatsApp 

+358 44 0700 655


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©2023 by Elina Rantamäki, Conscious Communications. 

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