Individual consultation
appointment overview

If you are thinking of booking an individual appointment, so please read the below in more detail, and don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions!
Who and what to expect
I'm Elina Kristiina, and I'm a purpose-driven truth seeker by nature. Also, I wish to make ancient knowledge more mundane and easily reachable. I wish to help you to find your calling in life, make your relationships better, and gain balance and well-being. Please find more of my background info here.
I offer one-to-one counseling and coaching in areas of holistic well-being, interpersonal communications, and relationships. You can book your appointment via my website here. Disclaimer: I don't give medical advice and I don't treat mental health problems, in these cases I advise you to contact your medical doctor.
I'm a Behavioural Scientist (Master of Arts in Intercultural & Interpersonal Communications at the Faculty of Behavioural Sciences, University of Helsinki, 2013), Bachelor of Science in Interactive Technology (Faculty of Information Sciences, University of Tampere, 2008), and a Sexual Counselor (Sexpo, Helsinki, 2015) by my education. Besides I have done a great number of different certificates and courses in different fields related to holistic well-being over the years in areas such as astrology, Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT)®, Theta Healing®, Reiki, Art of Living, besides courses and workshops in yoga, meditation, pranayama, and ayurveda. I aim to develop all the time and educate myself constantly.
You are very warmly welcome to book a session for yourself, or with your partner(s). One hour session might not be enough if there is more than one person, but it's always a good way to start.
All appointments are designed for each individual's personal needs. Oftentimes, the first session will go as an overview of what topics we should work on further. Of course, a single session might solve your problem, but normally developing and learning is a process. You can book an appointment also for the astrological chart reading.
There's no one-size-fits-all -program in my appointments, everyone is treated as an individual and the best possible guidance is found for each. Normally, you will get practices to follow up after each session. I have a great variety of methods and practices to combine the best possible solutions for you.
I warmly recommend you get to know the 3 session packages that I'm offering. There's a great opening offer now. The content will be unique for everyone under each theme. Please have a look at:
Online or offline
Appointments can be held either online or offline. Online appointments are held with Zoom, so you can contact me from all over the world. The meetings can be held in English or Finnish.
When you book a session, you will get a confirmation about your appointment via email, and Zoom link for an online meeting. You get also arrival instructions. Also in Finnish.
If you live near the capital area of Helsinki, Finland, you are very welcome to face-to-face appointment in Helsinki.
Arriving instructions
There are good connections by bus. There's a parking spot always booked for you by the red brick fence at the front of my office – Find the gate to the garden with a peacock sign, step in and you will find the right place easily!​
You can pay while you book with a bank card or ApplePay, or via MobilePay or cash when you arrive, or you can be invoiced via email.
NB. If you book a package offer and are not willing to continue after the first session, the full amount will be returned.
Canceling policy
You can cancel your booking 24 hours beforehand, and you won't be charged. If you cancel your appointment less than 24 hours before it is scheduled to take place, you will be subject to a full booking amount. To avoid a cancellation fee, please provide cancellation notice at least 24 hours prior to your appointment via chat on the website, phone call, text, WhatsApp, email, or social media channels.
Don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions in mind. You can contact me via the contact form, chat, phone call, text, email, WhatsApp, or social media channels – just what's the easiest way for you! Looking forward to meeting you!