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Image by Everton Vila

Sexual & Relationship

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Don't we all want to love and to be loved?  


The Relationship Magic package is designed for those who want to have meaningful relationships, and for anyone who wants to build healthy, happy, and sustainable relationships with the people in their lives.  Or wants to have a deeper and more extraordinary sex life. Relationships skills are not innate, they are skills to be learned. Relationship Magic appointments provide useful tools, ideas, knowledge, learning moments, and actions to help you become the very best team player and version of yourself in a relationship that you can be. Relationship Magic offers the knowledge and actions you need to build the kind of relationship; one that is never stagnant, but always fresh, spontaneous, affectionate, sexual – and above all, truly loving. 


Our words have a tremendous impact on our surroundings, but sometimes things are easier to leave unsaid. Poor communication is one of the most common reasons that loving relationships break down. Even if, our heart is in the right place but our message doesn’t land – or we communicate with others from our defenses, triggers, and past hurts. I believe also in communication as a healing tool. I may state, that we all are yearning for love and connection, but we’re not necessarily equipped with the skills to best connect. Like anything, communication and connection is something we can grow in – and get better at. The place to start is the place where you are now.


You are welcome to come to the appointments by yourself or with your spouse. Even though you would feel horrified about talking about anything I will create a safe space in which you don't need to worry. Everyone's situation is unique and appreciated. The package consists of three sessions: 1st session we define your situation and challenges; 2nd session we find solutions to your situation; and in 3rd session, we implement the knowledge, practices, and act toward your magical relationship!  














​The quality of our relationships defines the quality of our lives.


We never have had this many tools to communicate and this many romantic options in our human history as we do today. We can tick the boxes in dating applications about what kind of partner we want, and we have these catalogs of people to choose from – and people still get frustrated when trying to find the perfect match.


At some point, we realise that people are weird and relationships are hard but we might be still expecting the prince on a white horse. We want our partner to be a hot lover, best friend, soulmate, and ideal parent, with successful work and interesting hobbies. We want to have the whole package in one person so no wonder we get disappointed. If we don’t set expectations we won’t get disappointed but we shouldn't settle for anything less than we want – thus, can we meet our own expectations? Are we good enough for ourselves? 


It normally starts from the inner work that we need to start first before we can see things evolve and get ideal in our lives. A considerable amount of inner work is needed to clear negative beliefs, unhealthy behaviour, aggression, judgment, arrogance, vanity, pride, hate, fear et cetera.

To evolve, we must first raise ourselves out of our state of survival to higher levels. We must discover harmony within ourselves and live in harmony with the people and our planet.























For my MA thesis, I researched friends with benefits relationships (University of Helsinki, Faculty of Behavioural Sciences, 2013). And I noticed that it is really hard to talk in a relationship that is not defined. It’s not that surprising either, to notice, at my work as a Relationship and Sexual Counsellor, that there are big problems to talk about in well-defined romantic relationships too. 


I think people can be scared, or just become lazy in communication, but why aren’t we putting enough effort into our closest relationships? Aren't they the most important things for us? Every relationship has its challenges but if you are not willing to honestly express how you truly feel how can you ever expect things to get ideal? I believe that good communication is the key to the fairytale. And the older I get, the more I start to believe in them ;) I had a little talk about this matter, so you can look at the video in here.
















People and relationships are unique and diverse.


How can we find that soulmate or that ideal partner? And how can you make happily ever after work? To maintain the fairytale, there are some codes that need to be cracked. We might feel that today’s relationships are changing and we need to make a rulebook as we go, but certain things are here to remain the same. In my work as a Relationship and Sexual Counselor, I introduce you to science-based methods and also more holistic ones.


Please read more about my background here. I'm experienced Relationship & Sexual counsellor also in the following areas: 


  • communication problems 

  • feminine & masculine energies

  • dating

  • sex relationships

  • polyamory, polygamy, open relationships, etc.

  • sexual identity


  • infidelity & trust issues

  • jealousy

  • divorce, breakups

  • unrealistic expectations / needs don't meet

  • sexual desires/unwillingness & arousal/erection problems 

  • sexual fetishes 

  • balance & spiritual connection

  • tantra

  • passion, inspiration & better sex 



You can still find my old podcast show "Petipuhetta" on Spotify if you are interested in a great variety of different types of relationships and alternative points of view. I have experience, knowledge, and studies in interpersonal and intercultural relationships too, so I'm happy to consult other types of relationships than only intimate ones, for example, work and family-related ones


Please be in touch if you have any questions, I'm really happy to help and assist you!


1h x  3
Appointments can be held online or offline.
1h x  3
Appointments can be held online or offline.
Testimonials – QHHT
"In life, there are encounters and encounters, as well as missed encounters.

Meeting with Elina Rantamäki was trust-inspiring. During the session, and especially in the afterglow of it, I understood myself more deeply, and through that, I gained perspective and compassion for my life. The calm time that Elina spent with me left a clear positive imprint on my thoughts and emotional center.

Thank you, Elina."

Heidi Herala, actress

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+358 44 0700 655


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©2023 by Elina Rantamäki, Conscious Communications. 

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